Monday, February 2, 2015




When Hogtunes first started, one of our many catch phrases was “HD is a motorcycle company in the audio business, and we are an audio company in the motorcycle business”. There is no question HD is trying to increase their audio offerings, but in the last 2 weeks, we’ve had the opportunity to fix 2 major issues for HD dealers who tried to follow the Boom Audio path. In both cases, we had simple solutions for the dealers and thought we should share. There is a BIG opportunity to show the OE dealers (and aftermarket guys) that our old catch phrase is now more prevalent than ever!

Problem A: Dealer in NY State had a 2015 bike and wanted to add the HD lids. The dealer called the MoCo to ask what they need, and are told they need to install the Boom amp in the saddlebag. The dealer brought the amp in, and during install could not figure out how to make it work. One call to the mother ship and the dealer was told that you cannot make the saddlebag amp work unless the HD fairing amp is already installed. Of course the dealer had already quoted out the deal, and were freaking out that they would have to tell the customer it was another $700 plus labor to make it all work.

Solution A: One phone call to Hogtunes and the dealer brought in our NCA 450-RM (4405-0344) amp. For $429 retail (MAP) the amp plugged in using factory connectors—no HD “digital technician” was needed, and all worked perfect! Two channels run the fairing speakers, and the other 2 channels run the lids. The dealer called to thank us for saving his deal and planned to return the factory saddlebag amp. As a side note, whenever an HD amp is installed in Rushmore bikes, the radios built in power is shut off, and cannot be used to power  speakers. This is why the dealer could not install the fairing amp and “trick” it into running the lids while the radio powered the front speakers.
 (Sheesh!)speakers. This is why the dealer could not install the fairing amp and “trick” it into running the lids while the radio powered the front speakers. (Sheesh!

Problem B: Hogtunes staff recently walked into a local dealer and were approached by one of the guys in the service dept. He had sold a customer a Boom color matched fairing lower kit for an Ultra. In the Boom manual, it says take the speaker connector from the lowers and plug it into the matching connector in the fairing. The issue is that there is no connector in the fairing to plug the lowers into---- and the lower kit was already installed. One more call to the mother ship, and their solution is to sell the customer all the stuff to make it work—in CDN$ its an extra $2000.00! The dealer asked if there was anything we could do. 


Solution B: Although they could have used our REV200-RM (4405-0352) amp to power the lowers only while the radio powered the fronts and rears, the dealer decided to use our NCA 450-RM amp (4405-0344). Two channels run the fairing speakers, two channels run the lowers, and the radio powers the rears—all plugged in using factory connections, and again no HD “digital technician” was required. Hogtunes salvaged the deal.

There are a lot of HD Dealers following the protocol of the factory. We have seen first hand several “holes” in their audio program and we have immediate, and less expensive “fixes” to save deals for your dealers.

Last and certainly not least, we have had a pile questions regarding our amps and the software updates HD does on the bikes. In no way shape or form does the installation of our amplifiers upset the ability for the dealer to do the updates. Also—our amplifiers for Rushmore bikes are designed to work with any audio updates HD does in the future and still sound great.



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